So Josh and I are up in Cottonwood at my mom's house. We drove up Friday night, it was a long long long drive!!! This morning we woke up and got ready to head into Redding. We dropped Brianna off at her friend's house. Her formal banquet thingy is tonight and she wanted to get ready with her friends. So then Sean dropped Josh, my mom, and I off at Costco while he went to his doctor appointment. I got some Pirate's Booty, Rice Chips, and Edamame(sp). It was fun getting all the free samples, lol. Afterwards we went to Chipolte and I got some guacamole and chips. We went over to my grandparent's house and hung out for a little bit. We then went to meet Brianna at her banquet to take some pictures of her in her dress. Hmmm then this evening there was all this drama. Bleh. Okay, I am done.
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