Hmmm, what to type..... Well, turns out the skin d&d test is tomorrow and not today. So in main theory, we just reviewed the whole time. I hope that I do decent!! Then we basically just did perms all day. Okay, not even basically. We did perms all day. I got both the bricklayer and the piggyback signed off. The piggyback is definitely my favorite so far. I only have the spiral perm left to do. Ehh so I need a job. Why is no one hiring?! I am actually starting to worry about money, even though I am for sure good for the next 5 months. Ughhh I would just like a job so that I have money to buy my food and get gas and presents and such. Maybe I can do more stuff for A Change of Pace. I will have to talk to Jeannine about that. Betty and I discussed food payments today a little bit. She was asking for $5/ a day for food. I know it is not really that much, but I cannot really afford to commit to that every day. So I am just going to be figuring out my own food and meals. If I lose 20 lbs you will know why, lol. Sooo I absolutely love my hair! I am getting used to it. It still feels kind of weird like in the shower because there is not very much hair there anymore and feels so light. But yes, I love it very much. Tomorrow I think we will be learning relaxers. I am interested to learn about them. I am working at packet pick up for a race in Davis this weekend. So there is a little money to go towards everything. Woo! Alright, it is sleepy time soon.
oOoOO He haS sOmeThiNg sPeciaL PlanNeD .... LoL ThaT iS tHe cuTesT ThiNg eVeR ... sOme guYs jusT leT THe laDieS dO alL tHe woRk aND deciDe ... i caNt waiT tO seE waT iT iS LoL .... aND iM not eVeN The oNE iN The ReLatioNsHiP HeHe
ReplyDeleteHehe I am excited too!!! :)