Soooo I arrived here from Turlock on Monday, June 8th. Elvis' toilet traiing kit had arrived. So yesterday, June 9th, was his first day with it. I think he was mad because he peed on my bag and pooped on the ground. On a brighter note, he did pee in the seat at least once yesterday. Annnnnnnd I think that he has given up being mad because I woke up in the middle of the night as he was trying to drag the toilet into the seat to cover up the poop. So I jumped out of bed, cleaned it up, and gave him a treat for using the seat, as opposed to the earlier mentioned floor. When I woke up this morning I saw that he had pooped again!!!! Yay! It seems to be working thus far.
A few pictures.....
Elvis Toilet Update Day 1:

Elvis Toilet Update Day 2:
Trying to pull the toilet into the seat to cover his business!!
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