It has been too long. When I wait this long to update, I do not even know where to start. Hmmm, well on Friday I went to a party/sleepover at Linda's after school. It was me, Linda, Suzy, Tatianna, Stephanie (she left early), Kendra, Jessica, Jerry (Linda's fiance), and Amber (Linda and Jerry's roommate). We hung out, played some games, and just got to know each other a lot better. I picked up Josh in Natomas around 10:30am on Saturday. We met my mom, Sean, Brianna, Jordan, and Gma Wanda in Vacaville to head over to Palo Alto to See JD, Erika, Peyton, and Lucas. They were soooooo cute!!!! Josh and Sean were scared to hold them because they were so tiny, hehe. We all helped them out with some various household things. I even cut Erika's fringe. I was pretty nervous about that since I have not cut anyone else's hair before. We headed down to Turlock around 8:30am on Sunday. We had to stop at Auto Zone and get me a new gas cap since I drove off without it on Saturday. I got one with a key this time. That way the key will be in the cap, therefore I will have to put it back to be able to drive away, HAHA!! I drove home this morning and got home an hour before I had to be at school. We were learning about scalp treatments, scientific brushing, blow drying, and other styling techniques today. It was fun. =]

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